Monday, October 15, 2007

Cursive Handwriting

Second Quarter is here. We will be focusing more on cursive handwriting in our assignments. Spelling tests will be done in cursive from this week on. Here are a few websites to help review and practice cursive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

charlottes web:
i thought it was about a pig named wilber, a girl named fern and a spider named charlotte. wilber was born a runt and homer zuckerman tried to kill him, fern came to the rescue and saved him and kept him. when he got bigger he was sent to a farm,fern visited him daily. when the other farm animals told him he was going to get butchered he cried. charlotte thin came into the story, in the afternoon she told him she would save his life. in the mornig he saw charlotte. to save wilber's life she spun words into her web and that sent him to the county fair. he won and he lived but charlotte died so wilber took her eggsack and 4 spiders stayed.